Humble Beginnings
The Garlond Ironworks is Eorzea's leading manufacturer of cutting edge magitek, responsible for pioneering innovations such as the ceruleum engine to advance the realm. Founded in 1562 by the living legend Cid nan Garlond after he defected from the Garlean Empire, the Ironworks has since striven tirelessly under his banner of "Freedom through Technology" to lessen Garlemald's dangerous monopoly on magitek. In addition to providing technical counsel to the city-states of Eorzea, the Ironworks is also largely responsible for the current era's convenience in sky travel, as the company is second to none when it comes to airships.Though many view the Ironworks as little more than a collective of talented engineers, the company also grew to become a commercial powerhouse in the years following the Calamity, as Cid's five year absence left the Ironworks in the hands of Deputy President Jessie Jaye. Seeking to offset the monetary strain of Cid's selfless enterprises, Jessie brokered partnerships with distributors such as Rowena's House of Splendors to sell the company's wares to all with need of them. As a result, the Ironworks' magitek masterpieces can now be found in the homes of every citizen and the armory of every adventurer.

Changing Times
The Garlond Security Department was formed shortly after the Seventh Umbral Calamity, following mass desertions perpetrated by Imperials displaced or disgusted by the fallout. A small contingent of defectors from the XIVth Imperial legion, led by Pilus Seraphina rem Thea, found its way to Eorzea and ultimately sought new employment at a company which already housed many Imperial defectors: the Ironworks. The company had little use for soldiers, but repeated infiltration attempts by Imperial agents had illustrated the need for an internal security force. At first, the GSD was afforded little in the way of resources or jurisdiction, serving only to protect the company's on-site engineers and perform thorough background checks on new employees.However, as the company's inventions became more ubiquitous, so too did their misuse. Rogue elements turned magitek weapons against their own countrymen, while sky pirates began to terrorize Eorzean skies in airships of Ironworks design. Moved by the plight of the victims - and fearing the impact these outlaws would have on the company's public image - Jessie Jaye ultimately decided that the trained soldiers of the Garlond Security Department were best equipped to handle this new problem.
Wrench in the Works
Since that day, the GSD has become a force to be reckoned with. Tasked with seeking out and reclaiming misappropriated Ironworks magitek wherever it can be found, its members are routinely deployed across Eorzea to apprehend those misuing the company's inventions. Security Chief Sera Thea has taken to hunting sky pirates with particular zeal, adding every reclaimed airship to the ever-growing GSD fleet. However, their exploits have become increasingly controversial as their power and influence has grown, with many arguing that such threats to the realm are better left to adventurers and Grand Companies than corporate headhunters.When Cid Garlond finally regained his memories and returned to his rightful seat at the helm of the Ironworks, the Garlond Security Department came under heavy scrutiny. Their militaristic pursuits conflicted with his more idealistic vision for the company, and the department's existence soon became a point of contention between himself and more pragmatically minded executives like Jessie. Debate rages to this day as to whether the GSD has any place in the Ironworks, but with Eorzea sliding closer and closer to all out war with the Empire, many believe that it is time for the company to cast aside its pacifistic ideals...

Legacy of the Ironworks
Since its inception, the Ironworks has proven to be an invaluable ally in combating both the threat of rampant Primals and the aggressive ambitions of the Empire. In collaboration with the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, Cid's technical expertise contributed greatly to the downfall of Garuda and Bismarck. Faced with the unprecedented technological threats of Alexander and Omega, the Ironworks called upon their brightest - and the strength of the Warrior of Light - to defeat these existential threats to the realm. And when Garlemald sought to claim victory with its depraved Weapons project, it was the Ironworks who found a way to end their mad science experiment.Now the end of days approaches, and Eorzea drifts ever closer toward the far edge of fate.What role will these intrepid engineers play in pulling Eorzea back from the brink?
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